

Kiran Shrivas

Birth Date





Today in this article you will know that how many states will there be in America in 2023? America which is also known as USA (United States of America). America is the third largest country in the world on the basis of population. America ranks fourth in the world in terms of area.

The area of ​​America is approximately 9,826,675km². The capital of America is Washington DC. English language is mainly spoken in America. Let us tell you that America is a very strong country economically. This can be inferred from the fact that The world’s biggest companies like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook are all American companies.

Today we are going to give you complete information (America Me Kitne Rajya Hai) about America like how many states are there in America? What is the population of America? Population of other religions in America? Let us know how many states will there be in America in 2023?

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